Entries by Charlene Hutsebaut

Anyone else think soaked chia seeds are slimy?

I have never got on well with soaked chia seeds. They remind me of things like tapioca or rice pudding. Slimy! However, knowing their benefits (see below) and always willing to give things a go, I thought I would experiment with a few recipes and then tailor my own. The result is on this page. […]

Kinesis Back, Arms & Core Workout

Use this Kinesis (or cable machine) back, arms & core workout for a snappy workout which will also enhance your posture. You can use a regular cable machine with a rope attachment if your gym doesn’t have a Kinesis.

Easing Stress at The Shoulders – How to Relax at Your Desk

This bonus length Charlene’s Wellness Bite features @CJMindBody yoga & meditation teacher taking us through four movements and stretches to ease stress around our shoulders and neck. Plus…a simple breathing technique to help us calm our minds and bodies. Easing stress at the shoulders from Charlene Hutsebaut on Vimeo. See more from Chris at chrisjamesmindbody.com […]

4 Top Tips to Run & Organise a Walking Group

Have you ever thought of starting a walking group for your friends and family? It is easier than you think. Tune in as Clare Ross and I discuss her Top 4 Tips to Run & Organise a Walking Group.

3 Tips to Cope During Stressful Times at Work with @cwnutritionyoga

Nutritional Therapist & Yoga Teacher Charlotte Watts shares 3 nutrition tips to cope during stressful times at work. Following our natural body rhythms throughout a day while meshing them with healthy, nurturing choices can be very beneficial. 3 Tips to Cope During Stressful Times at Work from Charlene Hutsebaut on Vimeo.

Understanding Research in the Media with @VicMetcalf_NZ

Watch my interview with New Zealand scientist Dr. Victoria Metcalf as she tells us the processes scientists go through when doing research and how we can decipher & understand research we see mentioned in the media. Understanding research in the media from Charlene Hutsebaut on Vimeo. Find Dr. Metcalf on twitter @VicMetcalf_NZ or on her […]

9 Hot Ideas to Keep Fit at Work!

Walk to or from work…This is a simple and effective solution to time being an issue and I have seen this bring results for so many clients! Start out with ten minutes and build up to a half hour at either end of your day. Get off the tube or bus earlier and walk the […]

Bike rack pull-ups

Use these pull-ups at bars in a park or a bike rack for a quick effective back, arms and core workout.