Entries by Charlene Hutsebaut

Menopause: A Time to Train Wisely – @fsnmagazine

An excerpt from my @fsnmagazine article… “My friends, family and clients who are going through menopause or have finished say they don’t care about the science. “Just tell me how to get out of this hot mess that is me, a me I no longer recognize.”, said one friend when I told her about this […]

Simple Healthy Living Formula – Online Coaching

Transform your life today! Are you a busy, tired woman over 40, who feels she’s got no time or mojo to be active? Do you sometimes wonder, whose body even is this? Weight is harder to shift. Hormones are changing. Your energy and libido have left the building. I get it, and I can help […]

Discover this super tasty roasted cashews recipe to spice up your muesli!

Do you sometimes think, “My muesli tastes blah!”? Discover this super tasty roasted cashews recipe to spice up your muesli today! Protein with a punch! I love paprika and cashews so putting them together was an exciting discovery! This recipe has no refined sugar and packs a real protein punch to help you feel fuller […]

21 Essential Sleep Practices to Help You Get a Better Night’s Rest

Reflect on your sleep quality & habits to reap the benefits! Good quality sleep and enough of it for you is essential for recovery, rebuilding and regeneration over night. Sleep gives our minds and bodies time to replenish for you to come back stronger and more resilient the next day. You will benefit from better […]

Mindful Visualisations & Breathing to Help You Rest & Relax

Mindful visualisations… Lovingly made at request of my community This compilation has been made to guide individuals or groups to a more relaxed state. Breathing and visualization techniques can be used together or alone to meditate or fall asleep. Written by Charlene at the request of many clients throughout the years for relaxation techniques to […]

Start feeling fit & fabulous in just 8 weeks!

    Online Fitness Made Easy! Want to feel better, increase your energy and be that fit, healthy person you have always wanted to be? This ultimate guide contains obvious and not-so-obvious best practices to start moving more, eat healthy and rest enough. Think of this guide as your key to creating a new healthy […]

Sweet Potato – Turmeric Soup

Sweet Potato – Turmeric Soup This lovely warming soup is a great winter warmer filled with goodness! Ingredients: 3 large sweet potatoes 1 large onion 2 celery sticks 2-3 cloves garlic 2 tsp tumeric powder 1 tsp paprika powder 1 – 400g can/container chopped tomatoes 2 tbsp olive oil 2.4 litres water   Method: Add […]

Pumpkin & Banana Loaf

Some of you may have already tried my chocolate banana loaf….This is a lovely modification to include pumpkin! The result is a dense, moist gluten free loaf. Ingredients: 2 ripe bananas 398ml can pumpkin (no sugar added) 2 eggs 8 Tbsp maple syrup 6 Tbsp melted Coconut Oil 1 tsp vanilla 1 cup gluten free flour […]