Ebook: Simple Healthy Living. A Guide for busy people
A 53 page guide full of inspiration!
- Are you a busy person?
- Is finding the time or inclination to be fit and healthy proving tricky for you?
- Are fatigue and stress interrupting your performance at work and activities?
I can give you the tools necessary to thrive in my ebook – Simple Healthy Living – A Guide for busy people.
Sections include: Self-awareness, planning, exercise, food and mindfulness.
Ready to get started? Let’s go!
The book is a nice and light read for anyone who plans to build in a fitness schedule in their daily routine. There is no preachy tone anywhere. It’s for everyone at any level of fitness. If you are thinking of overhauling your health routines it’s a must read for simple tips and tools to guarantee success. Personally, I have reaslised since reading the book I’m doing the same thing all the time but expecting a different result. I’m implementing lots of advice from the book and enjoy reading it when I need help to get into that fitness mind set. Thanks, Angela.